Little Red Riding Hood - Vietnamese version
This is an internship project created by new artists of Monstio studio. Based on the storyline and characters of Little Red Riding Hood, we developed a platform game concept set in Vietnam.

The main character is a little girl from the ethnic minority group located in southern mountainous area. Together with her pet boar and the forest ranger, she is on her journey to rescue her grandmother from the big bad wolf. But beforehand, they have to defeat the wolf pack, which is designed as different levels of the game.
Little red riding hood
She wears the ethnic minority group costume and her weapon is a fruit basket, her skill is throwing fruits in different levels. 
The Forest ranger
His job is protecting the forest and helping lost people. His skill is shooting.
Little red riding hood's pet boar
Little red riding hood saved him from a wolf, then he became her pet. His attacking skills are jumping and rolling to the enemy.
Little red riding hood's grandmother
She lives alone in the deep forest. She is being kidnapped by the big bad wolf. All the weapons that the wolf group use are from her house.
The little Wolf
He is the lowest level wolf and he lives near red riding hood's house. The little riding hood met him at the beginning of the game. His weapon is a pestle.
The Sister wolf
The sister wolf is the second level of the game, the little red riding hood met her after she beat The Little wolf. Her weapon is a cross-bow.
The Mother wolf
She is the third level of the game, the little red riding hood met her after she beat The Sister wolf. Her weapon is a feather broom.
The Uncle wolf
He is the fourth level of the game, the little red riding hood met him after she beat The Mother wolf. His weapon is a  head-shape broom.
The Big Bad wolf
He is the final level of the game, the little red riding hood met him after she beat The Uncle wolf. His weapon are two frying pans.
We built The little red riding hood as a flat-form game. In each level, she has to archive the food along the way and get rid of danger like spiders and snakes.
At the end of each level, she will meet a wolf and has to beat them to move to the next level.
Game mock-up on phone
Game mock-up on phone
Character information: ATK, DEF, HP and Skill 
Character Animation
Character design: Joe Huynh, Truc Nhi Hoang
Layout and Mockup: Truc Nhi Hoang
Animation: Joe Huynh

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